Dopo il successo del suo recente tour americano, CHRIS CORNELL ha portato in Europa il suo “Higher Truth” tour, partito lo scorso 23 Marzo.
Prima data del tour italiano a Trieste, per poi suonare nei prossimi giorni a Milano e Roma. Il cantante dei Soungarden ha proposto un giusto di mix di canzoni proprie, sia da solista che come cantante di Soundgarden, Audioslave o Temple of the Dog, e di cover.
CHRIS CORNELL – scaletta del concerto di Trieste – 15 Aprile
Before We Disappear
Can’t Change Me
The Times They Are A-Changin’ (Bob Dylan cover)
Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart
Like a Stone (Audioslave song)
Fell on Black Days (Soundgarden song)
Doesn’t Remind Me (Audioslave song)
Say Hello 2 Heaven (Temple of the Dog song)
Blow Up the Outside World (Soundgarden song)
Let Your Eyes Wander
One (U2 cover) (with lyrics of same titled Metallica song)
You Know My Name
Wide Awake (Audioslave song)
Rusty Cage (Soundgarden song)
Misery Chain
I Am the Highway (Audioslave song)
Hunger Strike (Temple of the Dog song)
Worried Moon
Black Hole Sun (Soundgarden song)
A Day in the Life (The Beatles cover)
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Bend in the Road
Nothing Compares 2 U (Prince cover)
Higher Truth
Foto di Fabrice Gallina